Salmon River Fishing Report 2024 Pulaski NY – STEELHEAD.

Salmon River Fishing Report for Steelhead. From this Salmon River fishing guide in Pulaski NY.
By Randy Jones The Yankee Angler. – Publisher of Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Reports.

Enjoy my Salmon River Fishing Reports for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. During our Fall, Winter, Spring and April Steelhead fishing seasons in Pulaski NY.
For Salmon River NY Steelhead float fishing, spin fishing or fly fishing. Including Current Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report Conditions, Videos and Tips.
Sharing this Detailed Salmon River fishing report w/you is a Steelhead pleasure! Best Steelhead fish’s, Randy.

Steelhead Fishing Salmon River NY.

Steelhead fishing starts on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY in Oct. And our Salmon River Steelhead fishing lasts all Winter in Pulaski NY.
Steelhead fishing remains good on the Salmon River NY. During Feb., Mar, and April. And is another Best Time for Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY.

Salmon River Fishing Report 2024 Pulaski NY Steelhead

I hope you find my “Salmon River Steelhead fishing report” from Pulaski NY. Entertainingly informative or mildly educational.
While sharing my 34yrs. of Steelhead fishing EXP. with you. And over 2,000 drift boats trips on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.


Salmon River Fishing Report Fall 2024. – King Coho Salmon.

CURRENTLY.We have King and Coho Salmon. – From the Top of the Salmon River to the bottom!
1. With some in transition, running the rapids.
2. Some holding in their mid-day resting spots.
3. With MOST in the Pools.

Sunday 11:00 am. UPDATE – Lots of Salmon moving thru the lower river, as I type this.

But this last week, approx. 500 Salmon entered and ran the Salmon River.
During which time we experienced some slow trickles, steady trickles to a good steady push of King Salmon. With some Coho Salmon mixed in. During mostly both low-light periods.

HIGHLIGHT of the Week! – One day, we had a # of Salmon that were stretched thinly to moderately from the DSR all the way up to the 2A bridge.

This wouldn’t be an HONEST fishing report, if I didn’t add.
If you were here on the right day. In the right spot, with some EXP. You did WELL for this EARLY in the season.
BUT – As ALWAYS. – Anglers are finding the Salmon fishing to be either dead, slow, so-so, ok, good, GREAT to AMAZING. Depending on a VAST number of variables.

PERFECT TIME to fish, if you don’t like the Late Sept. to Mid-Oct. crowds.

Most anglers fishing now, are having this problem. FISH ON! then FISH OFF! Caused by the strength of these early running TACKLE BUSTING fresh King Salmon.
It’s like your hooked to the back of a BUS, that isn’t STOPPING!
TODAYS TIP. – If you ever hear what sounds like gun blasts, coming from below you on the river.
Those are not gun blasts. They are rods EXPLODING WHEN BREAKING on Salmon!

Which tells you there is a RUN of Salmon below you. Soon to arrive at YOUR spot.
Time to check, that you still have a hook tied on. har-har.
CURRENT CRYSTAL BALL Optimistic Fishing Forecast.
Sunday 11:00 am. UPDATE – Lots of Salmon moving thru the lower river, as I type this. Guess I was  right for once! 
Good Chance for a DECENT RUN, with this current weather pattern. And current staging Salmon.
Friday night thru Monday.
1. Low-light caused by rain showers, thunderstorms and plenty of cloud cover.

2. If we get enough rain causing Run-Off. A 50cfs. rise in the river’s water-level. Is sometimes all it takes to cause a DECENT RUN.

3. A good West wind, with some HIGHER gusts.
SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT MONDAY… WHAT…West winds 15 to 25 knots and waves 6 to 9 feet.

4. 1,000’s of Salmon staging in the Lake, moving shallower by the day. In front of the Salmon River Estuary.
With additional Salmon staging in the Salmon River Estuary. Soon to enter and run the River.
Probable RECORD SETTING #’s of Salmon!
For this early in the season this year. When reflecting on my 34 years of records. With some pretty good early season runs.
All of August (approx. 1,300 Salmon). – A normal Aug, you would only see a total of approx. 50 to 60 Salmon.
This past – 1st week of Sept. (approx. 500 Salmon). – A normal -1st week of Sept. We would be seeing a few single Salmon with a few pods of 2-6 daily.

FYI – This might sound like a lot, which it is for this early in the season. But over all, its really just a drop in the bucket. Compared to the MANY MANY MORE 1,000’s yet to come.
Once YOU arrive!
If you came up here earlier than normal to fish. I’d like to THANK YOU for helping out the local economy. Which everyone is happy to see.

Things are looking GREAT for your upcoming trip up here!
From Sept. thru Oct. You will have a good chance of catching that Trophy King or Coho Salmon of a Fishing Life Time!
Its Time to get Your FISH ON!
Complementary Salmon Fishing Strategies. – (From 34 year Salmon River drift boat guide Randy Jones. With over 2,000 drift boat trips done on the River).
1. You could check the rapids for any running Salmon. Usually during both low-light periods.

2. You might find some where they rest mid-day. From when the sun-light hits the water @ approx. 9:30am. To 6pm. when the sun leaves the water.
Where they will then continue running the river, until they have found a Prime Lye – (Pools). That provide them with everything they need, to satisfy their survival instincts thru Sept..

3. With most in the Pools, you could just fish them. After all, they are not going anywhere anytime soon.
Starting around Oct. 1 thru the 15. You will see a mass exodus of Salmon leaving the Pools. Caused by their biological clock, forcing them onto the gravel to re-produce.
Did you know?
(8/26/2024 AP) The N.Y. State D.E.C. just came out with a new report about 1 MAJOR side effect of eating SALMON.
Genital shrinkage! – Unfortunately, I’ve experienced it!

The State plans to stock MORE Salmon this year, to help feed the Whales and Seals in Lake Ontario.
For my latest Time Sensitive Fishing Reports on the BIG Salmon RUNS.
You can subscribe to my Salmon River fishing reports @
Which will arrive in your email inbox from MailChimp and myself.
For MORE – Salmon Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.

One of the Best ways to forecast the King Salmon fishing on the Salmon River.
Is to see how they are doing on Lake Ontario over the Summer Months. It’s Looking GOOD!
Out on Lake Ontario the Charter Capt.’s are reporting over all – Good Fishing! Lot’s of Limits!
APRIL – 1. Definitely an early start to Kings this year by about 4 weeks due to the warm water from the warm winter.
2. It’s late April & spring kings have shown up in good size and numbers. Great signs for the rest of the spring/summer seasons. It’s been a mixed bag of brown trout, king salmon and lake trout.
3. Brown Trout Galore!
MAY – Last few days on Ontario have been nothing short of incredible. Doubles, triples, and quads are keeping my on my toes to say the least. Quick limits of kings have been the norm. This is some of the best fishing I’ve ever seen in my life of any kind.
JUNE – 1. It’s just awesome right now. 2. The Salmon fishing is crazy right now. 3. Brown trout action continues to be steady!
JULY – 1. Fishing has been incredible! 2. We have been catching kings, cohos, brown trout and steelhead daily.
3. The only thing that’s been hotter then the temperatures lately is the fishing on lake Ontario. Fishing remains red hot for salmon and trout.
4, Just when you think the fish have moved offshore and you have just come off a few slower days they are back! Non stop, rods flying, screaming drags and big smiles!
Your 99% Guaranteed Future King and Coho Salmon Fishing Forecast.
Typically during Early September. You can expect to see “More Consistency”. Of a few singles entering the river to “maybe” a few small pods consisting of 3 – 6 Salmon, daily. During Both low light periods.

Normally during Mid. Sept. You will start to see a probable average of 25 – 50 to 75 Salmon enter the river each day. To include both low-light periods.

Following week, normally, you’ll start to see a probable average of 50 – 75 to 100 Salmon each day. To include both low-light periods.

Last week of Sept., normally on average 150 to 300 Salmon each day. To include both low-light periods.
With a possible – hopeful MAJOR RUN of 1,000 to 3,000 King and Coho Salmon entering daily over a 1-5 day period from Late Sept. into early Oct.

Humorous Disclaimer.
Due to writing Salmon River fishing reports with forecasts and predictions for 34 years.
And standing on the exact same rock daily during Salmon season for 15 years. In the lower – lower river, counting fish and guiding.
Please note the # of times I said normally, probable, average, possible, typically, expect and hopeful. And I left myself a way out with a 99% Guarantee. – har har.

YOUR 100% GUARANTEED Future King and Coho Salmon Fishing Forecast.
The numbers of Salmon entering the river will increase in September. And will peak in October. THESE ARE THE SALAD DAYS! – Ye-Haa!!
Give a man a fish and he has food for a day. Teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend.
The best place to fish, is anywhere I’m not.
I spend most of my $ on Wild women, Booze and Gambling. The rest is wasted.
If you lie about the size of your fish, I’ll swear to it!
Daily Catch Limits. – No more than one Steelhead with a minimum size of 25 inches and no more than one Brown Trout per person per day.
When will the BIG RUN of King and Coho Salmon happen this year on the Salmon River?
When fishing for King and Coho Salmon on the Salmon River. There isn’t a Guarantee for when the BIG RUN of Salmon well happen. When looking at the past 40 years, it only “suggests” what Monthly time period is normally, but not always, the most consistent year after year for the BIG RUN or Bulk of King and Coho Salmon to enter the Salmon River.

Early to mid. Sept. Salmon fishing “usually” means less anglers and normally less fish. But we’ve had early BIG RUN’s mid. Sept. with the balance of Salmon entering thru the rest of Sept. into Oct.

Normally, Prime Time is the last week of Sept. and first week of Oct. for the BIG RUN to happen. But years ago, the Bulk of Salmon came in later and mid. Oct. was great on the Salmon River!

Normally, the 2nd and 3rd week of Oct. your targeting all the King and Coho Salmon that have already entered and settled into their primary Fall Habitats. Top to Bottom of the Salmon River, spread out.

So its tuff to forecast, but late Sept. and early Oct. is over all. Normally the best most consistent 2 weeks for the BIG RUN of King and Coho Salmon to happen on the Salmon River.
Don’t be surprised if there are a couple other anglers fishing during these 2 weeks. – har har.
When is the VERY Best Time to go Salmon fishing in Pulaski NY? Mid-week is always the Best Time for Salmon fishing Pulaski NY, during the Salmon River season.
Avoid Salmon fishing Pulaski NY on a Holiday Weekend, if possible.
Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report.
My Salmon River Steelhead fishing reports will start in early Oct. When the Salmon River Steelhead fishing season starts.
The Salmon River NY Water Temp. will be above 45 degrees, so your Prime Fall Holding Steelhead Habitats will be fishing the BEST!
Most of the Steelhead I find. Are the ones that are Transitioning up the Salmon River and holding in their middle of the day resting spots. (Between approx. 9:30am. and 5:30pm.).
Or in their Prime Fall fishing Habitat, where the Steelhead will sit for an extended period of time on the Salmon River NY.
(I have some Steelhead open dates, incase your interested in booking a drift boat trip).
I hope you found my Salmon River fishing report, Entertainingly Informative or Mildly Educational.
Sharing my 34 yrs. of King Salmon and Steelhead EXP. with you.
Combined with over 2,000 drift boats trips on the River. –

Best Fish’s, Randy Jones @
BOOK Your Salmon River fishing trip in Pulaski NY. – With additional Booking info.

CHECK OUT my Latest – Updated Facebook Posts @
THAT YOU WONT SEE HERE. Please follow me on Facebook, for my latest Articles.
1. The Life of a Successful Salmon River fishing guide.
2. 100% Salmon River NY Winter Steelhead fishing GUARANTEE!
3. Was I a Salmon River Hero or a Zero? – Reading Water 101.
4. ENJOY a FUN and HUMOROUS Salmon River Drift Boat Steelhead Fishing Story – You Never Know!
5. Comfort Zone – Salmon River Steelhead fishing anglers prepared to beat the chill. – PLUS My own Guide Tips on staying warm.

For MORE – Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.
When is the VERY Best Time to go Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY? Mid-week is always the Best Time for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY, during the Salmon River season.
Avoid Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY on a Holiday Weekend, if possible.

Catch MORE Fall – Winter – Spring STEELHEAD.
Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones SHARES 34 Yrs. of Pro. EXP. targeting Steelhead.
Check out my Oct. 16 Blog Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. – Oct. 21 Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.
Nov. 4 Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY. – Dec. 5 Salmon River Steelhead fishing Report. – Jan. 6 Winter Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY.
Jan. 19 Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. – Feb. 14 Spring Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.
During the Spring in March and April. Its one of the Best Times for Salmon River Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY. Your Salmon River Steelhead fishing trip is looking GREAT!
In March and April the ENTIRE Salmon River comes ALIVE.
Currently on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
We have 5% fresh Spring Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY. 5% spawning Steelhead fishing. 5% drop back Steelhead fishing.
And 85% older Fall and Winter Steelhead to fish for. With some Brown Trout mixed in.
Offering you TONS of Opportunities to Catch that Trophy Steelhead or Brown Trout of a Fishing Life-Time!

Catch MORE Steelhead! – Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Video Tips.
1) Ever wonder where the Steelhead stop to rest at? While running the Salmon River for only a Brief period of time?
2) Find out where the Steelhead hold at. During the Middle of the day, once they have stopped running the Salmon River. From approx. 9:30 am  until 5:30pm.
(Skip the repeated Intro. @ 1:11).
3) Where do the Steelhead hold at for Extended periods of time on the Salmon River? (Skip the repeated Intro. @ 1:11).

FUN Salmon River STUFF!
1. CHECK OUT! – All the MONSTER FISH that await you! –
2. Expert and Advanced U-tube video on Best Places to fish for Steelhead. –
3. I’m the first person to EVER Bungee Jump NAKED off the Long Bridge over the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Police were called and I was arrested. –
4. Check out my Office. –
5. The Salmon River Fish Hatchery. Take an AMAZING Tour @

I hope you found my “Salmon River Steelhead fishing report” entertainingly informative or mildly educational.

Sharing my 34 yrs. of Salmon River Steelhead Guiding EXP. with you. And Over 2,000 drift boat trips on the Salmon River.

The Steelhead fishing of your dreams.. ..well mak’m reeeeeel!
May all Your door knobs smell of BIG Steelhead!
Steelhead Fishing you Success!

Best Fish’s, Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones of from the Salmon River Drift Boat in Pulaski NY.

Its Time to get Your FISH ON!

Join me for a Salmon River Steelhead fishing trip in Pulaski NY. During the Fall, Winter or Spring.
Established in 1980. I have 34 yrs. of Pro. Salmon River guide drift boat fishing EXP. in Pulaski NY.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats.
Salmon River fishing guides drift boat Steelhead Rate for 1 person $350. Rate for 2 people $450.
Pulaski NY guide trip includes. All Salmon River fishing equipment and tackle in Pulaski NY.
BOOK Your Salmon River Steelhead fishing trip in Pulaski NY. – With additional Booking info.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-315-963-2065
Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.
About Salmon River Steelhead fishing Guide Randy Jones.Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Testimonials.FACEBOOK Google My Business.

EXPERT and ADVANCED YouTube Fishing Video’s. For Where is the BEST Place to Fish.
On the Salmon River for Steelhead, Brown Trout and King Coho Salmon in Pulaski NY.

(Author, Videographer and Publisher of Salmon River fishing report Videos, Randy Jones. – Professional Full-Time Fishing Guide for over 35 years.)

Ever wonder where the Salmon and Steelhead stop to rest at? While running the Salmon River for only a Brief period of time?

Find out where the Steelhead and Salmon hold at. During the Middle of the day, once they have stopped running the Salmon River. From approx. 9:30 am  until 5:30pm. (Skip the repeated Intro. @ 1:11).

Where do the Steelhead and Salmon hold at for Extended periods of time on the Salmon River? (Skip the repeated Intro. @ 1:11).

Money Back Guarantee! Complementary Top Secret (Ssssh!) Guide Tips on ADVANCED Fishing Locations. To help YOU catch more Salmon and Steelhead on the Salmon River Pulaski NY. Please Subscribe for future Salmon and Steelhead Salmon River fishing report YouTube videos.

3 Prime and Basic Salmon River Current Breaks in every pool. You should know about to help YOU catch more Salmon and Steelhead

#1 Place to fish for Steelhead in the Water Column on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. 

I’m the first person to EVER Bungee Jump NAKED! Off the Long Bridge over the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Police were called and I was arrested. FISH OFF!

My YouTube Video Jokes for Today. I hope you Enjoyed my Salmon River fishing report YouTube Videos!

Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY Report during the Fall, Winter, February, Spring and April. Fresh Chrome Steelhead.

Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.

Our Steelhead are one of the hardest fighting fish that swims in the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Torpedo – Silver Bullet runs and changing direction in a blink of an eye. While taking your line 100 to 200 feet out in seconds. This well surely jump start your fishing heart! Acrobatic Tarpon jumps, like a rocket ship 3-4 feet in the air. Somersaulting like a jugglers baton back to earths atmosphere before splash down. Sounding like a cinder block with water spraying 20 feet in all directions. Steelhead Tail Walks across the pool for 40 to 60 feet, will live in your Salmon River memory forever!

Randy, what’s the Forecast for this Salmon River NY Steelhead Fishing Season?

Good #’s of Steelhead in Lake Ontario this Summer!
Did you know? – With the New D.E.C. minimum size of 25 inches to keep 1 Steelhead, per person, per day.
This length size change is going to put 2 more year classes of Steelhead in the Salmon River for you! Ya-Hoo!
They easily met their egg quota last Spring at the Salmon River NY Altmar fish hatchery. With an over abundance of returning Steelhead.
Last Steelhead Season (Nov. thru April) the steelhead fishing was over-all pretty good, by most standards.
In Closing: My Crystal Ball says it will be a Good Steelhead fishing Season. Aren’t you glad you asked?

Salmon River Fall, Winter, Spring and April Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.

Mid-week is always best for Steelhead fishing, but not on or around a holiday.

There really isn’t any BEST time for Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. As we always have Steelhead in the River all Fall, Winter, Spring and April.
Its all angler personal preference.

I start guiding for Steelhead at the end of Oct. Which means Less Fall Salmon River Anglers targeting Steelhead = more opportunity for you.

In Nov. we start to see more Steelhead and more Salmon River anglers. It’s the busiest angler Month. Temps. aren’t to cold yet and its also when the steelhead fight the hardest. With speeding bullet runs, tail walks and somersaults.

In Dec. we start to see even more Steelhead and less Winter anglers. Most folks are doing business and family holiday stuff. And its a lil colder = Less anglers = more opportunity for you.

The middle of the Winter can be magical with only the most die hard Steelhead anglers out. During these colder Mo’s. = Less anglers = more opportunity for you.

Spring Steelhead. (Feb., Mar. and April.) With higher Spring “Run-off” water levels, this brings in the balance of our Pre-Spawn Steelhead. Adding even MORE steelhead into the Salmon River. After they Spawn, the Steelhead’s appetites are on fire as they slowly drop back down the Salmon River to Lake Ontario. Sight fishing is an optional treat.

Steelhead Fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY Report during the Fall, Winter, February, Spring and April. Trophy 16 pd. Steelhead.

16 pd. Steelhead while Fishing the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.

I hope you enjoyed my Salmon River Steelhead fishing report from Pulaski NY!

Sharing my 44 yrs. Total of guiding EXP. With all this Detailed Steelhead Info. with you has been a pleasure!

Get yer FISH ON! Best Steelhead Fish’s, Salmon River Steelhead and Salmon fishing report guide Randy Jones of from the Salmon River Drift Boat in Pulaski NY.


Join me for a Salmon River fishing guide drift boat trip in Pulaski NY.
For hard fighting Salmon or Steelhead during our Salmon River Fall, Winter and Spring fishing season in Pulaski NY.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats. I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s.
Especially if you are planning a return trip on your own.

Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY. Randy Jones The Yankee Angler.Author Biography – Established in 1980.
Randy Jones has 44 yrs. Total of Pro. Fishing Guide Experience. He is also the Owner, Author and Publisher of Salmon River Fishing Reports of A Salmon River Pulaski NY based Guide Service and Marketing Agency. Specializing in Expert Salmon and Steelhead fishing for 33 yrs. Professional sales and marketing of his vastly successful Salmon River fishing guide business and local fishery. S.E.O. and Social Media. 
Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.

Steelhead Fishing Salmon River NY.

Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY is One of the Best Times! Your Salmon River NY Steelhead fishing season is Great right now.
We have Steelhead fishing from the lower Salmon River to the upper Salmon River NY. Things are looking Great for your Steelhead fishing trip on the Salmon River NY.
We have a few Steelhead Running the Salmon River. With some Salmon River Steelhead holding in their mid. day resting fishing spots.
With most Steelhead in their Prime Winter Salmon River fishing Habitats.

We have MORE Steelhead in the Salmon River NY now, than we normally would at this time of the year.
Caused by past Lengthy and Extended December higher water levels on the Salmon River.
It’s going to be a Good Winter with descent #’s of older and fresher Steelhead in the Salmon River.
Offering you TONS of Salmon River Opportunities! To Catch that Trophy Steelhead on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.

CURRENTLY on the Salmon River NY we have 90% older Fall and early Winter Steelhead. With 10% fresh December Steelhead to fish for.
With some of those running the Salmon River currently. While stopping to rest mid. day between approx. 9:30am until 6:30pm.
Then continuing up the Salmon River NY until the Steelhead have found a seasonal Winter Pool.
That satisfies it’s seasonal Steelhead survival instincts on the Salmon River NY.

As Usual – Winter Steelhead fishing has been slow to ok. With some anglers and guides doing Great!
In some Winter Steelhead fishing spots we are having to work for them. Making each Steelhead all the more rewarding.
While other spots. It’s almost been to easy. Making me a HERO!
Obviously, this wouldn’t be a truthful fishing report, if I didn’t add that some spots left us wanting……. Making me a ZERO! har har.

Mid-week is always the Best Time for Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY, during the Salmon River season.
Avoid Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY on a Salmon River Holiday or a weekend. If your able.

For MORE – Steelhead Fishing Salmon River NY.
Best Fish’s, Salmon River NY Steelhead Fishing Guide Randy Jones @

Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY.

Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY is One of the Best Times! Your Pulaski NY Steelhead fishing season is starting right on schedule. The Best place to go Steelhead fishing now is in the Lower River in Pulaski NY.
Things are looking Good for your Fall Steelhead fishing trip in Pulaski NY.
We have a few Steelhead Running the River. With some Steelhead holding in their mid. day resting fishing spots. And some Steelhead are in their Prime Fall fishing Habitats. Some Steelhead are sitting behind the Spawning Salmon eating their eggs.
Some Steelhead will be in Transition as they steadily run the Salmon River NY.
Some Salmon River Steelhead fishing will be in their middle of the day holding resting spots.
Advanced Steelhead and Brown Trout Fishing Locations on the Salmon River NY.
For MORE – Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY. – Best Fish’s, Pulaski NY Steelhead Fishing Guide Randy Jones @

Salmon River Fishing Report Pulaski NY.

BEST SALMON RUN of the fishing season of King Salmon and Coho Salmon happened Wed. 9/14/2022. On the Salmon River, Pulaski NY.
With reports of. – Very good movement of fish. Excellent fishing with persistent fish movement. The Upper Estuary is loaded with Salmon.
Todays 10:45am. Report from the lower-lower river. – The Salmon runs are steady with an even mixture of King Salmon and Coho Salmon.

Best Fish’s, Salmon River NY Guide Drift Boat Fishing Steelhead Randy Jones @ With 33 years EXP.

Spring Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.

Your Spring Salmon River Steelhead fishing RUNS are happening NOW in Pulaski NY. With fresh Spring Steelhead fishing runs up the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
During the Spring in March and April. Its one of the Best Times for Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. Things are looking Good for your Spring Steelhead fishing trip.

Currently on the Salmon River we have 5% fresh Spring Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY. 1% spawning Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY. 1% drop back Steelhead fishing.
And 93% older Fall and Winter Steelhead. The % of fresh Spring Steelhead, spawning Steelhead and Spring drop back Steelhead will increase from here on out.

These Spring Salmon River Steelhead fishing Runs will last thru March in Pulaski NY. With April being “Prime” Drop Back Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
Add in ALL the steelhead that have been entering the Salmon River NY since Sept. And it’s going to be a good fishing Spring!

Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY is Superb. You will have Steelhead fishing from the Lower Salmon River to the Upper Salmon River NY.
Along with some Brown Trout.
Catch more Steelhead when your fishing Pulaski NY. When your Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. It’s a Great time to use anything egg related.

February, March and April Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.

February, March and April are great Spring Salmon River Steelhead Fishing days in Pulaski NY. With fresh Spring Salmon River steelhead fishing runs in Pulaski NY.
Their biological clock is telling them its time to re-produce. Causing fresh Spring steelhead to enter, run and spread out over the entire Salmon River in Pulaski NY.

Most of the Older and Spring Steelhead will remain in the Salmon River fishing Pools thru February and March in Pulaski NY.
As the Spring Salmon River water temperatures rises, so does the aggressiveness of the Steelhead.
All Salmon River NY Spring Steelhead fishing methods will work. Whether your Steelhead float fishing, spin fishing, fly fishing or spey fishing in Pulaski NY.

Spring Steelhead fishing, as the Entire Salmon River in Pulaski NY comes Alive.
With Salmon River Spring Pre-Spawn Steelhead, Spawning Steelhead and Drop Back Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY.
For Spring Drop Back Steelhead. April is the Best Time for fishing on the Salmon River Pulaski NY.
Your Best Salmon River Pulaski NY Steelhead fishing is all Spring thru the end of April. In early May, fish the lower Salmon River for your best Spring Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY.

Spring Steelhead Fishing you Success! Salmon River Pulaski NY Guide Randy Jones of from the Salmon River Drift Boat.

For MORE – Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY.

Winter Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY Report.

Winter is one of the Best Times for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. With only a few Winter steelhead anglers fishing Pulaski NY. It opens up additional Winter Steelhead fishing opportunities. With Ton’s of options on where to Steelhead fish.

Winter Steelhead fishing remains good in Pulaski NY. With fresh Winter Steelhead fishing runs on the Salmon River NY.

Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. TIP. 95% of your Winter steelhead are in the fishing pools in Pulaski NY. With 5% of the Winter Steelhead running the River. We have Winter Steelhead fishing from the Lower Salmon River to the Upper Salmon River NY.

The drift boat – wade fishing for steelhead continues to remain excellent for some, ok for others and slow for some-others. We will continue to see more fresh Steelhead enter, run, spread out and hold in the Salmon River as the season progress’s. With our past higher water flow levels we have received some more fresh Steelhead!

Today’s Humor: You Lie about the size of your fish and I’ll swear to it!
Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle free and 2 sizes smaller.

Another Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.TIP. If there is no Slush from Mid. River down, I’d highly recommend fishing it! Very few anglers have been fishing these areas. Leaving you presently with a lot of uneducated and easier to catch steelhead. Also, most anglers have been pounding the upper river. Causing the steelhead to become extremely educated and more difficult to fool.
For an Expert Analysis on Winter Slush, which makes fishing impossible for the Salmon River and local creeks and streams.
Please see – River Slush – Planning your Steelhead fishing day around it.
This could save you a wasted trip to the middle or lower Salmon River or our local creeks and streams.

Give your favorite fishing buddy or guide a ring. The steelhead (8 to 12 lb. average) are here and just waiting for you.
It’s Time to Get yer FISH ON!
Sharing my 35 years total of guiding Experience with you has been a pleasure!
Best Steelhead Fish’s, Salmon River Guide Randy Jones of from Pulaski NY.

For MORE – Winter Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY.

Winter Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY Report.

Your Winter Salmon River Steelhead fishing season is looking good in Pulaski NY. Producing Winter Steelhead fishing in Pulaski from the Lower Salmon River to the Upper Salmon River NY. With fresh fishing runs of Winter Salmon River Steelhead. As everyday pass’s, more Winter steelhead will enter and run the River in Pulaski NY.

Currently 90% of your Winter steelhead are in all the Salmon River fishing pools. Offering You Opportunity with a presence of Steelhead. Things are looking great for your Winter Steelhead fishing trip on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.

As Usual – Winter Steelhead fishing has been slow to ok. With a some Salmon River Winter Steelhead fishing anglers doing Great in Pulaski NY.

Salmon River Pulaski NY Winter Steelhead fishing. TIP. Cover your Steelhead water thoroughly in a good Winter fishing spot, and then move to the next. Repeat this all day. It works for me daily on the Salmon River NY.

Never know, that next BIG pod of Winter Steelhead might just be around the next bend of the Salmon River in Pulaski NY where fishing memories are made.

A nice Push of fresh dime bright silver missile Winter Steelhead entered and ran the Salmon River during our last high water period. These newly arrived fresh Winter Steelhead fought like a November Steelhead. With speeding bullet runs, numerous somersaults, tail walks across the pool and traveling 10 feet thru the air before splash down. AMAZING! While the older Steelhead gave us the normal sluggish cold water temp. fight.

If your Winter Steelhead fishing anytime soon. You will have older steelhead that have been entering the Salmon River since Sept. But also some fresh Winter Steelhead that will be easier to catch! Ye-Haa!

Winter Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.TIP. (Besides the D.S.R). The easiest to catch and less educated Winter Steelhead are in the Middle of the Salmon River. Very lil fishing pressure put on those Winter Steelhead. (Except for the Sportsman Pool, which see’s daily Winter Steelhead fishing pressure in Pulaski NY).

Today’s Salmon River Humor: My guest’s laughingly suggested that instead of calling the Best Spot in the hole “The Hole within the Hole”. To call it the G Spot.
Today we reached maximum pleasure by fishing some of the finest, most enjoyable and exciting G spots on the Salmon River. The only trouble us guys had was finding it.

For MORE – Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY.

Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.

Now is a Great Time for Winter steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. With only a few Winter steelhead anglers fishing the Salmon River. It offers you Ton’s of Winter Steelhead fishing options in Pulaski NY. With some Winter Steelhead fishing spots Wide Open!

Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. TIPS. I’ve been fishing Winter Steelhead beads, egg sacks and flies in Pulaski NY. All dead drifted to match the “Bottom” Salmon River current speed. So it will look natural to the Winter steelhead with perfect fishing presentations.

My Winter Steelhead rigging directly relates to the “education level” of our Steelhead. When your Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. Use Expensive 100% Fluorocarbon leader – tippet. You will increase your odds greatly.

All of my Winter Steelhead have come from different “Exact as fitting a key into a Lock” Spots. Which can change by the day.
Using Daily Salmon River water flow levels to decipher what CRITICALLY IMPORTANT Current Breaks. The Winter steelhead would be 100% using for each fishing day in Pulaski NY.
Our Salmon River water levels are always changing. And the Winter Steelhead change along with it, and so should you for best fishing results. Having a clear understanding of this will put you into the 10% of the Salmon River anglers that catch 90% of the Winter Steelhead.

Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. TIP. The Winter Pools are Steelhead fishing the best in Pulaski NY.

BONUS Fishing Videos. Fishing Winter Steelhead Pools in Pulaski NY.
3 Prime Current Breaks in every pool to help YOU catch more Winter Steelhead in Pulaski NY.
Where do Winter Steelhead hold for Extended periods on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY?
Winter Steelhead want Deep water for safety from predators. A food source. And less current to conserve their energy over a long Winter.
(You can find our Pulaski NY Steelhead fishing mapped named pools, parking and access roads. By doing a search on the internet or most of our Pulaski NY Shops have them).

Winter Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY.

I’m finding ok #’s of Winter Steelhead while fishing on the Salmon River NY. The Salmon River is not loaded with Winter Steelhead. 100% Winter Steelhead fishing Guarantee that EVERY Salmon River NY Pool has Steelhead.

90% of these Winter Steelhead are in the deeper fishing holes on the Salmon River NY. CURRENTLY we have 10% of the Winter Steelhead in Transition, running the Salmon River NY. While stopping to rest mid. day between approx. 9:30am until 5:30pm. Then continuing up the Salmon River until they have found a Winter Pool that satisfies it’s survival instincts. These NEW Winter Steelhead are now Top to Bottom of the Salmon River NY.

Winter Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY. Tip. These middle of the day resting area’s are often over looked by Winter Steelhead anglers fishing the Salmon River NY. And should always be fished during and right after a high water period when Steelhead are running the Salmon River. – Find out where the Winter Steelhead hold in the Middle of the day on the Salmon River NY.

Off the Salmon River NY Drift Boat, some Winter Steelhead fishing spot’s we are having to work for them. Making each Winter steelhead all the more rewarding. While other Salmon River NY Winter steelhead fishing spot’s. It’s almost been to easy. Obviously, this wouldn’t be a truthful fishing report, if I didn’t add that some Winter Steelhead spots left us wanting…….

Salmon River NY Winter Steelhead fishing. TIP. Due to higher Salmon River water levels bringing in fresh fishing Winter Steelhead. Currently, now is one of the BEST TIMES to fish for Salmon River NY Winter Steelhead.
Winter Steelhead fishing will only have the most die hard Salmon River Steelhead anglers out. Causing very light Winter Steelhead fishing pressure with easier to catch Steelhead. During these colder Mo’s. = Less anglers and drift boats = more opportunity for you.

Advantages of Winter Steelhead fishing after a High Water Period on the Salmon River NY. – Past higher water levels on the Salmon River have kept many Winter steelhead anglers away. Once the Salmon River water level drops, it will provide you with unpressured Winter steelhead that are easier to fool and catch!

BONUS Winter Steelhead fishing Opportunity’s Abound! – With the past Rain, above freezing temps. and Snow Run-off, causing higher water flows. Optional Local Creeks and Streams are with fresh runs of Winter Steelhead.
The BONUS presently, is you don’t have to trudge thru 5 feet of snow to fish for Winter Steelhead. You also don’t have to break off large junks of sheet ice covering the holes, so you can fish for Winter Steelhead. Or, worry about falling thru any shelf ice you might be standing on while Winter Steelhead fishing.

Steelhead Fishing Salmon River NY Report.

Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY is Superb! We have Steelhead fishing from the Lower Salmon River to the Upper Salmon River NY. With all the Salmon and Brown Trout eggs in the Salmon River, it continues to bring in fresh fishing Steelhead into the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. As everyday pass’s, we are seeing more steelhead trout enter and run the Salmon River. Offering You Opportunity with a presence of Steelhead. Ye-Haa!

Steelhead fishing will remain good into the Spring on the Salmon River NY thru April. In March and April the Spring Steelhead fishing on the River is Good. For Spring Drop Back Steelhead, April is the Best Time for fishing on the Salmon River NY.

Things are looking Superb, for your upcoming Steelhead fishing trip on the Salmon River NY.
For MORE – Steelhead Fishing on the Salmon River NY.

Fall Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY Report.

Your Fall Salmon River Steelhead fishing season is looking good in Pulaski NY! We have decent Fall Salmon River Steelhead fishing numbers around in Pulaski NY. For the last few weeks, Fall Steelhead have been entering the Salmon River to eat ALL the Salmon eggs. With decent fishing numbers of Steelhead entering the Salmon River in Pulaski NY this Fall.  You might come up now, before the Nov. Steelhead fishing crowds arrive. These current numbers of Fall Steelhead will increase in Nov.

Many Salmon River Steelhead fishing spots are WIDE OPEN! While other larger Steelhead fishing spots in Pulaski NY only have 1-2 anglers fishing for Steelhead. The Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY has been BEST in the Lower Salmon River with some filtering into the Upper Salmon River.

Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. In December, we will have even MORE Winter Steelhead in Pulaski NY. The Bonus of Winter Steelhead fishing is you will see less Salmon River angler’s fishing due to colder temp’s. Offering you greater Winter Steelhead fishing opportunities in Pulaski NY.

These are the Best Times for Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY all Fall and Winter. Spring Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY is another Best Time in Mar. and April. April is the Best Time for Drop Back Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY in the Spring. April Sight fishing Steelhead in the Spring is an optional Salmon River treat.

Things are looking Great, for your upcoming Salmon River Steelhead fishing trip in Pulaski NY.
For MORE – Fall Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY.

Fall Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY Report.

Fall Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY is One of the Best Times for Steelhead. Your Fall Steelhead fishing is starting right on schedule. The Best place to go Steelhead fishing now is in the Lower River in Pulaski NY. Nice Push of Fall Steelhead just entered the River in Pulaski NY for your fishing pleasure. With many more Fall Steelhead to come! Things are looking Good for your Fall Steelhead fishing trip in Pulaski NY.

For MORE – Fall Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY.

Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report Pulaski NY.

I’m happy to report – Fresh Steelhead continue to enter and run the Salmon River daily. 80% Older and 20% fresher Steelhead Top to Bottom of the Salmon River. Always a chance for a Trophy Brown Trout. The Pools are fishing best!

Today’s Salmon River Fishing Report Tip. – Noticing 1/2 to 3/4 less drift boats and Steelhead anglers fishing mid-week. Offering you greater Salmon River Steelhead fishing opportunities. Plenty of prime Steelhead spots open to fish that are holding your Chrome!

As Usual – Steelhead fishing has been sloow, so-so, ok to good. With a few anglers hitting it just right with AMAZING results! The Best Salmon River Steelhead fishing has happened when you find a pod of’m.
Another Salmon River fishing report Tip. – Suggest covering your water thoroughly in the better spots and then move to the next. That’s what this Salmon River guide has been doing with success.

Never know, that next BIG pod of Steelhead might just be around the next bend of the Salmon River, where memories are made.

Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY Report during the Fall, Winter, February, Spring and April. With a Very Happy Steelhead Guest.

Thumbs up from this Salmon River fishing report guide with a Very Happy Steelhead Guest.

The Steelhead and Salmon fishing of your dreams…… ………… we’ll mak’m reeeeeeeeeeeeeel
Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY Report. - The Yankee Angler.

The Salmon River, where Memories are Made!

INFORMATION| The Yankee Angler

Randy Jones is a Full-Time Professional Drift Boat Spin - Fly fishing Guide with over 35 years of Experience.

Contact Info

Yankee Angler
cash, check
Hours: Open 24 hours
87 Clark Rd.,
Mexico, NY 13114
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Rates, Reserv. & Deposits:

Salmon River Guide Rates for 1 person $350. Rates for 2 people $450. Included in Guide Rates – All Salmon River fishing equipment.

Your reservation is confirmed upon receipt of a $150 check deposit (per day) within 7 days of booking to hold your date.

Check Payable and Mailed to: Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114. (Sorry, no credit cards excepted).

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